So here it is, six months into 2016 and ask yourself, where are you with the things that you have been seeking to accomplish this year? Hopefully those goals you set haven’t been put aside or hardly thought about and if so, it’s time to revisit.

My first post of 2016, More That Resolutions, Committed in 2016, revealed a few practices I use to get clarity, stay focused, and work to accomplish goals. What has been unique this year, is that I prepared myself by making difficult life changes and decisions to set myself up to achieve those goals. Needless to say, various setbacks, trying situations, and challenges have come up, however, that’s when addressing those challenges so that I can stay on path has become key.

If you haven’t already taken stock of what has been going on in your life this year to help or hurt your ability to accomplish what you’re seeking, since we are halfway through the year, now is actually a great time to do so. Not only do you get to see where you are, but also to take into account what factors have hindered or helper you. This allows you to have a serious reality check and ask yourself, am I really serious about each of the goals you set for yourself.

For example, if you are trying to lose weight or get in shape and have found challenges in making time to work out, now is the time to say either, 1) the other things involved in your lifestyle are more important and you are not at a point to seriously commit to fitness and/or 2) list a few things that you can commit to that may not be daily but weekly, monthly or intermittently that will fit into your current lifestyle. Sometimes you have to take baby steps if you have seen that you can’t commit on a level that you previously thought. And you also have to be honest with yourself about what you have or haven’t done so far this year to gauge your ability and willingness to go for that goal.

Other options include making significant changes to your lifestyle to support the goals you desire. Say you are seeking to save money or be financially stable. Making the choice to live with a roommate, or stop spending in areas to invest in your saving is a choice that you may make to truly allows you to commit to that goal.

Below are a few of the 2016 Commitments & Goals I set for myself earlier this year:

 Daily Scripture & devotional reading
 Acquire athletic sponsorship of brand ambassadorship
 Completing Olympic distance triathlon
 Triathlon & running bringing in income and/or opportunities
 Blogging consistently (at least weekly or bi-weekly)
 Women’s, Men’s, Youth gathering (at least one of each)
 Read 6 books

A few things that have or are currently helping me to achieve these include:
– Setting up a daily reminder in my Bible app for the plans I’m reading
– I applied to various athletic sponsorships and acquire 3 of them
– Between my sports apps, working with coaches and run clubs, I’ve been working a flexible enough schedule that allows me to be committed 5-6 trainings/week to prepare for my triathlons and I signed up for them, which in my mind, means they are definitely happening.
– Starting a run club, being an ambassador, getting out in the athletic arena has been affording me various opportunities from work, to interviews, features, and more.
– Each week or two I write ideas for things to blog or I get ideas from things that other individuals are going through.

It also helps that I wake to see my vision board each day (on the wall of my bedroom) and a picture of it is the background on my phone, as well as having my commitment list on my phone & in my planner. So I read and review them a couple of times a week to remind myself of what I said I am focusing on. It gives me the opportunity to ask often, “what am I currently doing or going to do this day or week to work towards these goals?” It keeps them in the forefront of my mind so I don’t neglect my commitments or goals.

I hope this gives you some ideas as to how to develop or refine you plan of attack to reach your goals. There is so much opportunity to also be creative in having accountability partners, posting them on online and encouraging others to check up on you or work with you, and to just keep sharing them with others so that you get the support to make 2016 a dynamic year!

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