Last week, along my Facebook feed was a link to a media outlet discussing the recent end of what had been termed a 17 year “feud” between Jada Pinkett-Smith and Gabrielle Union. It’s always interesting how the media & people can spin things to diminish the relationships between Black women.
In this clip (at 3:01) & articles, Jada nor Gabrielle could not even attest to anything specific happening between the two of them spurring them not to speak for almost 17 year. With people surrounding them both feeding into probably rumor and/or gossip, it took until recently for them to realize there wasn’t any basis for this supposed “feud”.
For this reason, I believe whole-heartedly in hearing from the horse’s mouth as they say. Even recently I’ve shared with family & friends dealing with conflict the importance of not putting much weight in innuendos, rumors, gossip, and he-said/she-said. It is hard to see people not coming together as a result of other people’s misunderstanding, personal interpretation, or even hidden agenda and this is common amongst us, Black sisters. All it takes is a conversation and as Gabrielle said letting go of pride or insecurity for us ALL to rise!
Everything happens for a reason, so as a result of this article, I’m able to write and encourage us to reflect and think on what we truly put stock into and hopefully open up the lines of communication, show empathy and understanding.
And as a result, in addition to seeing two or more sisters independently being great, imagine what can accomplish together. I’m embarking on an endeavor that will uplift & speak to not only Black women, but also men, our children, our voices, relationships, families, and more. In the meantime, I also want to share and encourage each other in love & grace with one another.
In addition to this, I have been blessed to see Jada’s recent FB release of “The Red Table” and encourage all my sisters to check it out. The pilot on “Motherhood” had me in tears as it was beautiful.
Be blessed today, sisters.